Upcoming Concerts
I love supporting female singer-songwriters. After I retired from real estate and relocated to Fort Collins, I invited Minnesota Singer-Songwriter Ann Reed here for a house concert. On March 18, 2018, with a lot of rearranging of furniture, I squeezed over 90 people into my home. The concert was such a success that I decided I should do it again and more often (perhaps 2-3 times a year). Here are just a few of the artists I hope to bring to Fort Collins in 2020 and beyond: Tret Fure, Jamie Anderson, Judy Fjell, Lucie Blue Tremblay, We Aren't Dead Yet (Jamie Anderson, Dianne Davidson and Deidre McCalla) and, of course, Ann Reed. Please let me know if you have a favorite singer-songwriter whom I should invite. Check back for upcoming concert dates and ticket purchases.